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No SAGE & Goodbye

Its been a rocky road for Sonic Neo Genesis. With all the energy and effort put into getting things back on its feet it hasn't been enough. Frankly when i sat down to right this post i had no idea what i was going to say.

So let me start off by saying that, Sonic Neo Genesis will not be making an appearance at SAGE this year. Those who know of this already say that its a good thing. That game wont have that rushed feel too it. It made me feel somewhat relieved that that what they were saying made absolute sense. I thought maybe we could release it on our own terms like before or maybe next year we will have much more to give like a full game or something, but the things is development has to come to a near stand still.

It's so sad to say but this game is once more on the ropes. Its with a heavy heart that i relay this information, but unfortunately the main coder of this game has died. Leading up to his death there has been much drama concerning his actions. From our talks and talking with others I'm not convinced of the extremeness of the claims but i am convinced of the general shadiness, or possibility that it might all be true. As a friend of his it really hurts that he will be remembered as horrible person by others and that the validity of even his death in now pulled into question and scepticism.

All is not lost with this project, in fact this is that much more of a reason to finish this project. I am not sure that what is left of this team will be able to bounce back as swiftly as we should, a lot of us have lives and games that have bad development cycles historically don't turn out too nicely. This has been a major moral hit for us all. Please be patient with us.

But for now Goodbye see you next update


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