Who's Robotnik? You mean Eggman?
So if you been following or introduced to our game via YouTube, and If you've made a comment on one of the two videos you've probably ran into Amy Rose. She's been the spokes person for our game , and who better to talk about a Sonic game than the person or rather the hedgehog who some how knows his whereabouts at all times. She brought to my attention a comment from a fan than said something along the lines of how our game's only imperfection is how Eggman is listed as Dr.Eggman and not Dr.Robotinik, and I know there are people out there that agree with his stance and I think this worth addressing for the fans out there.
So, I know this might ruffle a few feathers, but the cold truth is that his name was always Dr.Eggman, there is no Robotnik!
Now Before you get your pitch forks band together in an oddly blue colored mob, let me explain. If you're a fan of the Sonic games of old, a very prevalent fact of Sonic was it having a narrative. It was very simple and large parts of the set up was plugged into the manual, but it was there. Sonic games also tried to give character to its visuals by injecting in some of it's narrative into the visuals as well. Narrative is important, and if you're a Sonic fan talking about the Mega-drive/Genesis narrative you know that the Definitive Canonical Story is found in the Japanese manual. Where there is no mention of a Dr. Robotnik. From Conception until now Eggman has never referenced himself under the name Robotnik and actually the narrative of the Classics even support the fact that his name is Dr.Eggman.
As a character Eggman is a narcissist, both described in the manuals and throughout the visual narrative as well as in the names and designs of his creations. His face and logo is plastered in many places, on ships, bombs, bots and so on. In Sonic 2 Eggman's Logo can be clearly seen on the Wing-fortress Zone as EG on the fin and doors of the ship. Why would a person named Robotnik plaster a EG that stands for EGG on their ship?

Not to mention the fact that it literally says "EGGMAN" on the ship.
In addition to the blatant in-game text uncensored for US audiences. Another thing that shows him to be named Eggman are the names of anything that looks like him or directly associated with him. The EggRobot, The DeathEgg, The EggMobile, all those things hint at his name. Robot or Robo only turns up once in the entire Mega/Gen era and it has Egg attached to it. With all this, you'd be quite hard pressed to find good reason to stick by the name Robotnik, because there is none. However I can understand not everyone that experienced Sonic in the 90's experienced it the same way, not everyone grew up in Japan, and not everyone had the benefit of full color manuals, but the point is... defending the name of Robotnik whist bashing Eggman (Which is his real name) is Stupid. Getting mad and defending against SEGA for finally unifying cannon globally and getting rid of the ridiculous localization names is stupid.
I guess you'd want to know how does this play into our game? What's the propose to even bring this up. Well... that's the thing. The Canonical Japanese release of Sonic is what run's through Neo Genesis' veins.
Capturing the true air of the Classics; Showing a narrative though our sprites, locations, and Game-play. Striping away the localization BS and giving you a pure evolution/extension of the Mega Drive/Genesis/32X games. Which will mean having giant signs that say Eggman or blatant references to Eggman, EGG, or EG.
You shouldn't be defend the lies that have been fed to your child hood; and if your so adamant about supporting Dr. Robotnik over Eggman I wonder why you're not also so adamant about calling Amy, Princess Sally.
Also JSYK: Old Eggman doesn't say "nobody calls me that any more" in Generations It's the localization talking...