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Sonic Speed is still too Slow.

I know much of you have been wanting a download... Unfortunatly that won't happen. The build that's out in the wild doesnt represent our game anymore and the builds on YouTube, aren't for the public. So whats taking so long? Unfortunatly its a team issue, we need more members. Steady members, like musicians and more artist, especially that first one. Between my health issues and others coming for a few seconds and leaving, this project is basically in hiatus hell, and ironcially its not supposed to be at all. Felik, the mastermind behind all this, is ready to go but we need more team members to move as fast as Eggman cause Sonic Speed is just too slow.

Sooooooo untill things clear up and move smoothly dont expect a demo for now, I suppose you'll have to hold out to till SAGE15 or 16. This site isn't dead, progress is just really slow, and if you wanna throw your cans and tomatoes at some one I would be #1 to blame.


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